How to Teach Your Child Read Effectively Using Phonics Sounds



In the phonics sounds classes, letters are usually taught first in the lowercase, and not in capitals. Phonics sounds also help in identifying the sounds in words to write them.

Phonics Sounds to Teach Your Kids to Read Effectively

Smart Kid

One of the first and most important things to remember when teaching phonics is that children need to know what sound each letter makes within a word. Learning only the sound makes it extremely easy to learn to blend letter sounds together to read words. Phonics sounds also help in identifying the sounds in words to write them.

Children learn to read in a variety of ways, but the three primary means are auditory (that is learning by listening to things), visually (that includes seeing words and letters), and kinesthetically that refers to relating learning to movement. A number of commercial schemes or programs for teaching phonics sounds make use of all the three ways so as to help most children with their preferred learning style. Phonics instruction usually makes use of a picture illustrating the letter that the kids learn to recognise and link the letter sound to, a song that incorporates the letters sound, and an action that the children make whilst saying the letter sound.

Another important thing to remember whilst charting out your phonics lesson plans is making sure everything you teach is not confusing for the child. If you concentrate only on teaching the letter sound, and not its name (/a/ and not 'ay'), the children wouldn't have to learn two things at once. Learning the letter names could be brought up later when kids have a good understanding of the letters and the sounds they make.

In the phonics sounds classes, letters are usually taught first in the lowercase, and not in capitals. This is because most of the letters are lowercase in majority of the books and texts the children would be reading. Therefore, it is advised to design and develop phonics worksheets for your children by keeping in mind all the aforementioned points. Phonics sounds could make learning a fun activity for your children.

There are plenty of free resources available on a variety of websites for helping you teach phonics. However, you need to undertake lot of research for finding a full range of activities for all the letter sounds. You would find a plethora of interesting and exciting ways to teach phonics sounds to your little angels and help them form a strong foundation in reading.

At the end of the day, it is immaterial how quickly or slowly your child learns the letter sounds. What matters most is helping to teach your child to read, which is an achievement you could be proud of.

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