Astrology: Cancer Traits and Characteristics


Cancer, the 4th sign of the zodiac, is a water sign. A sensitive, intuitive home-loving sign.

Cancer, the 4th sign of the zodiac, is a water sign. Like the waters of earth irrigating soil and making it more fertile, Cancer will nurse something from weakness into strength, or be consistent in it's efforts to build it's strong fortress to provide a place of comfort, safety or wealth for it's family, clan, or professional organization. A sensitive, intuitive home-loving sign, Cancer values emotional security and a strong material foundation for above everything. It nourishes and clings to routines that it instinctively knows will benefit a personal project or nearest and dearest over the long-term.

Timing is key to Cancer's uncanny ability to move and flow with a shifting situation, to be fluid enough to read and follow subtle signs and omens. It's emotionally sensitive and psychically tuned in, picking things up from many levels and can sometimes come across to others as moody, withdrawn or prickly when caught in the turbulence of it's inner world clinging to memories or early conditioning which are counterproductive. Cancer is the sign of the hearth - the safety of shelter - and likes domesticity.

Cancer's ruling planet, the Moon, controls the ebb and flow of the waters of the earth. It goes through rapid stages of change each month, passing through every sign which accounts for the changeable emotional nature of Cancerians.

Cancer rules the womb and breasts and the ability to hold, protect and defend those in it's care. From childhood, Cancerians need something, or someone to look after. They are good in careers which allow them to show the good provider side of their nature, to come from the nurturing, healing heart and intuition.

Birth stones: Moonstone, Opal, Pearl
Colours: Pale Shades
Gods: Kephra, Artemis, Dionysis
Animals: Crab
Weapons: The Furnace
Element: Water
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Moon
Exaltation: Jupiter
Fall: Mars

All Zodiac Signs:

    Source ~ Cancer Traits and Characteristics ~ Diana Garland

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