Astrology: Capricorn Traits and Characteristics


Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac, is an earth sign. It has a cautious, sensitive nature, which it protects behind it's worldly image. 

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac, is an earth sign. It has a cautious, sensitive nature, which it protects behind it's worldly image. Capricorn cares about reputation, social standing, following the rules of the game so as to better climb the ladder, maintain it's position or protect it's interests. It has a cautious, self-disciplined, sometimes plodding nature, and likes to take little steps, testing the ground as it goes. In it's effort to have security, it plans and builds for the future, and pays attention to creating financial solvency in old age. It takes it's duties and responsibilities towards career or domestic stability very seriously and doesn't like to run risks.

Capricorn is respectful of history and traditional values and can be over-cautious or blinkered to alternative options or the wider picture. It's cool, shrewd attitude can come across as lack of warmth and spontaneity.

Capricorn rules the skeletal-structure - the joints and especially the knees - and the teeth and hair. This sign is persevering and sees things through to the end in a matter-of-fact, no illusions sort of a way. It loves creating structures which stand the test of time, whether that is building up a business, a home a family unit or a powerful worldly image.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is the principle of form - the outer aspects of things. Saturn is a serious, hard-working energy, which resonates well with the difficulties and harsh realities of physical-material existence.

In essence, Capricorn is parental and tends to get into positions of authority and tenaciously bears the burden of responsibility sometimes through harsh conditions in either it's private or professional life, upon it's shoulders. Capricorn is canny, strategic, and takes the long view. Ultimately it hopes to come to a place of mastery either internally or externally, and will stand doggedly by it's principles related to daily routines or standards or behavior.

Capricorn is very goal-conscious so any career where it can sit at the top of the mountain and enjoy seniority, or authority fits with the vibration of the sign.

Birth stones: Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Malachite
Colours: Grey, Black
Gods: Khem, Pan, Bacchus
Animals: Goat, Donkey
Weapons: The Secret Force
Element: Earth
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Exaltation: Mars, Pluto
Fall: Jupiter, Neptune

All Zodiac Signs:

    Source ~ Capricorn Traits and Characteristics ~ Diana Garland

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