An Inspiring Message of Hope from Nick Vujicic

Short Summary:  FIFA, football fever is on. Every country person wants to cheer up their favorite team and enjoy the game. When ever there is a competition or match there is only one winner, as others would have failed.  “Failure is not important. How you overcome it is” - Nick Vujicic
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As we, all know that FIFA, football fever is on and as every country person wants to cheer up their country team or their favorite team and enjoy the game. Our life is like a game as we go through failure and success.

“Nothing fails like success because we don't learn from it.  We learn only from failure.” - Kenneth Boulding

When ever there is a competition or match there is only one winner, as others would have failed. However here in this video you will meet a very inspiring personality who is not afraid of failure nor does it bother him, as he believes that “Failure is not important. How you overcome it is”.

I hope you must have known by now or I am sure when you watch the video you too will find him inspiring. Nick Vujicic. Here in this video he is sharing his thoughts on the FIFA World Cup.

What I really liked is his inspiring personality. What he speaks here is his own self-experience and learning which I think we all should take some inspiration.

I really like what he mentioned in this video “Everybody loves to win but we shall not linger on difference between winning and losing”. If we all consider this, message in our life and we will learn to live our life.

We all want to enjoy FIFA World Cup so let us enjoy it with true spirit. So enjoy the video and FIFA World Cup.
